The best places on the Potch campus to take your graduation pictures
Your graduation ceremony is one of the biggest events in your life and having pictures
Your graduation ceremony is one of the biggest events in your life and having pictures
Kultuur, choreografie, en tong-in-die-kies-komedie het oorheers tydens vanjaar se eerstejaarskonsert wat deur Minjonet en Patria
Na ʼn veeleisende semester, maak studente vakansieplanne ten spyte van rekordhoë petrolpryse, kragonderbrekings en vriesende
TikTok is so gewild dat selfs die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) in Augustus 2021 ʼn TikTok-profiel geskep
eSports have become popular in South Africa and while there are still some challenges, some
Mr and Miss Ebukhosini 2022 were crowned recently at NWU Vaal campus. Mosa Lempe (21)
The current lawsuit between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has many students asking the question:
Students at the Vaal campus of North-West University have nature on their doorstep, with canoeing
Kobie van Wyk (22), Wihan Botha (22) en Christo Franken (21), het ‘n paar dinge
A small street stall near the university, Kasi Food, that offers home-cooked foods, is one
The PlayStation 5 (PS5), Sony’s latest gaming console and a significant upgrade from the PlayStation
Campus Insider, a video podcast on YouTube run by NWU Vaal students under the auspices
Anime has become very popular among South African students. Anime is a form of animation
Students and staff are excited about the news that the streaming service Disney+ will be