Student pet owners tell their stories

Some students take on the daring responsibility of having pets while also dealing with their studies at North-West University. threestreamsmedia approached these pet owners to find out what their stories are.

Andriani Papa, a masters student in integrated pest management, is the owner of two male dachshunds, Oliver (2 years and 4 months) and Maverick (4 months). In the video, Papa explains how being a pet owner comes with some challenges.

Athalie van den Berg, a graduated honors student in consumer studies, is the owner of a female rat terrier, Sasha (2 years and 6 months). She shares how her dog brings her an immense amount of joy every day.

Andria van Rooyen, third year student in communication studies, is the owner of a male pug, PierieWierie (7 months). Van Rooyen says that being a pet owner comes with some funny moments. 

Watch the video to hear the stories of these student pet owners and to meet the pets!