Thuso 1777 helps you to be productive
Thuso 1777 has created a student-based program that offers academic support to North-West University (NWU) students to increase their productivity and efficiency.
Juan-Ri Potgieter, student leader at Student Counselling and Development (SCD), explained that many students don’t know about the services offered by Thuso 1777.
The unit falls under SCD and helps students with problems that negatively affect their general wellness and academic performance. Thuso also has a 24 hours emotional crisis line where students can call in for help.

“Students need a lot of psychological support with their academic work and general student life. This should be one of the basic services offered to students, as they get overwhelmed by their academic work and demands, thus culminating in a lot of stress,” Potgieter said.
According to the official NWU website, Thuso 1777 aids students with their academic performance by equipping them with skills to plan ahead and exercise mindful control of time on particular activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency and productivity.
Not all students on campus know about the services Thuso offers.
Agatha Qhobosheane (27), a PhD student in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, is one of them. “Sometimes you just need to open up to someone who understands academic life and the hardships it comes with. It’s really not easy and we put up a brave front that we are okay. I am always anxious about whether I will meet my submission deadlines on time or not,” she said.
Thuso 1777 acknowledges that no student goes through their university career without coming across a few problems along the way, including stress, family-orientated problems, lack of faith in oneself, relationships, discrimination and lack of motivation to work hard in their academic work.
Students can contact Thuso 1777 for more information and appointments at 018 299 1777 or they can visit Building E14 during walk-in time between 08:00 and 11:30 from Mondays to Thursdays.