High SS prices drive students away

The price of food in the Klipoog Cafeteria on the North-West University’s Potchefstroom campus is driving students away as many cannot afford to purchase food there.
A 440ml bottle of Coke cost R10 in 2019, but students, staff and visitors now have to pay R11. At R31.40, the popular russian and chips combo is R1,90 more expensive than in 2019.
Naledi Ditle, 23, a senior PGCE student, said the rising prices affect her cash flow. She never leaves the SS (student centre) without buying food, but now finds that she has to fork out more than before, which leaves her broke.
Ditle said she now prefers buying her russian and chips at Spar because she can decide on the size of the portion and it works out perfectly for her. For the past two years, she has been paying R32 for the large russian and chips at Spar.
Tshegofatso Khoali, 24, a postgraduate student in development communication, said she has a monthly budget, but she always breaks her budget because of the rising prices at the SS. “The prices are not affordable for students,” she said, referring specifically to the price of Coke.

Madelein van der Merwe, 25, senior accounting student, said she used to stay in a residence for four years and has always bought her food at the SS. Now she cannot afford it any more and prefers the Voorhuis (a dining hall on campus).
“The prices at the Voorhuis also increased due to inflation, but they are more affordable than the SS prices,” she said.
Van der Merwe said students who do not eat, cannot concentrate in class.
A member of the NWU Klipoog Cafeteria management, who wishes to remain anonymous, said the prices increase at least three times a year because of the contracts with service providers. “Prices go up because of inflation. When inflation affects the contractors, the menu prices go up,” she said.
Students say they get more chips at Spar on the Bult and Rio Cafe in town, than at the SS, for reasonable prices. In the cafeteria, the chips are weighed and the portions not large enough.
Kitso Mosegeleng, 22, a final-year student in financial accounting, also complained about the prices. He added that the SS food is not healthy. “That is why I buy there only every now and then.”

Nice article, creating awareness is important. It’s time for customers buying from NWU Klipoog cafeteria speak up. We need to have these conversations as there’s money.
Well done, Kea👏👏🙌
Well done Kea
I am proud of you